
BULMOR and VOTEX BISON join forces

BULMOR and VOTEX BISON join forces Bulmor Holding GmbH, the owner of Bulmor Industries GmbH – an Austrian manufacturer specialising in Sideloader solutions – has acquired a significant shareholding interest in Votex Bison Material Handling B.V., Netherlands. This move brings two industry specialists for long, heavy and bulky goods transport closer together. The aim is to strengthen both product ranges and, in particular, customer-specific solutions. Both brands and companies will remain unchanged.

Sonderbau – Rohrtransportwagen für Schüttgut aus Deckensilo

Funkferngesteuerter Votex Bison Elektro- Vierwege- Rohrtransportwagen für die Verteilung von losem Schüttgut von Deckensilo zur Verladegosse. Dieses Gerät ersetzt ein 50 Jahre altes manuell bedientes Gerät. Die grosse Herausforderung, ein funkferngesteuertes Ersatzgerät zu entwickeln, welches die annähernd selben Dimensionen aufweist wie das manuell bediente Gerät. Dies ist uns mit einer Dreirad- Konstruktion mit einer Antriebseinheit gelungen. Das Gerät kann in alle vier Richtungen fahren.  Mit einer Ziehleinrichtung (mittels Bildschirm und Kamera wird ein gelber Punkt am Boden anvisiert) wird die Position...


The Electric four-way side loader for outdoor applications Votex-Bison can boast on over 25 years of experience in engineering and constructing electrical 4-way side loaders, tiller trucks and customer specific trucks as specials for internal material handling. Researching the market, Votex-Bison started engineering the SCOUT E version for outdoor use. Market selling points: • Large profiled rubber tyres, 660mm traction wheels and 559mm load wheels, which provides an enormous floor clearance. Advanced adjustment on uneven grounds for smooth comfort use. Target, however is, absorbing...

AGV System for IVC Group, Belgium

IVC Group has placed an order for a complete AGV Systems at Frog AGV Systems BV. IVC Group from Avelgem Belgium has placed an order for a complete AGV system from Frog. The order comprises the delivery of two Sideloader AGV and one flatbed AGV from Votex-Bison that will transport products from production to the warehouse. The AGV system is scheduled to be delivered and of this year.